Heather: It's time for a Forum. (And an answer!)

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu Dec 15 13:17:29 EST 2005

Hi all,

> Am 15.12.2005 um 18:44 schrieb Bill Marriott:

> Richard,
> No one's accusing anyone of bad behavior.
> It's simply a fact: The suggestions to move this to a web forum  
> have been
> occurring for months and months, by many many posters. It keeps  
> coming up,
> the thread keeps going, it dies down, and resurfaces.
> There has never been an official reply to this topic.
> As for the "five different ways" to access the list, some are definite
> improvements (I've stated this about the gmane NNTP feed many times),
> however none can hold a candle to an official Rev-hosted phpBB-,  
> vBulletin-,
> etc-based forum.
> In fact, I hope people aren't thinking that something like these  
> kludges is
> what is being recommended. Because if you actually try them they're  
> not
> really offering much. They are basically taking the list and  
> dumping it on
> to a web page. They do not offer categories, or any of the other  
> benefits I
> listed. We are *not* getting what we want with those alternative  
> sources.
> As for the people who prefer email, it has been pointed out many  
> times that
> the leading BBS systems offer email subscriptions as well.  
> Therefore, there
> is no loss of functionality for them.
> A phpBB (for example) forum set up and administered by RunRev would  
> be a
> Cadillac compared to the Schwinn bike offered by those alternatives.

there is an english (and finnish :-) forum available for about almost  
3 years,
but with extremely low traffic over the last years...


> Bill


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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