You're Right -- It was HARSH

Judy Perry jperryl at
Tue Dec 13 02:33:10 EST 2005


(still sitting on the naughty stool):

I hear what you are saying... but your clarification only supports in a
way what I was _trying_ (albeit in a less than elegant way) to say:

It started as a use-thingy and then ended up as a philosophical-thingy.
That's just natural, how humans seemingly work.

And, as such, having a separate
naughty-stool/philosophical-thingy/whatever list would NOT have prevented
it from occuring.  Because these things are seemingly  evolvingly
organically (sp?) rather than as a
hierarchically-compartmentalized-occuring sort of fashion.

That's all I was trying to say (while being demonized/taken over by Ms.
Perry-Hyde, that is...).

down.. Down, boy.. er...!


On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, Ken Ray wrote:

> Actually, Judy, it really has nothing to do with newbies or not - it had to
> do with a thread that ended up talking about how RunRev ought to run their
> company. And while interesting at first, it became something that really
> belonged on another list, as the Use-Rev list is about using Revolution, not
> about marketing it.
> I for one am *glad* to have newbies on the list, because whenever I see
> someone post who hasn't posted before, that shows that the Rev user base ie
> expanding. And as they ask questions and get more knowledgeable, they in
> turn evangelize to others and even more newbies appear. And so it goes.
> Additionally, questions asked by newbies (and non-newbies) may seem to an
> experienced developer to have a "simple" answer, but by the time the thread
> is over, *everyone* has gotten something out of it (different approaches,
> more efficient ways to do the same thing, "gotchas" that we should be aware
> of, etc.).
> So it is valuable to have all levels of experience post to this list - but
> if it doesn't have anything to do with using Revolution, it belongs
> somewhere else, IMHO, and I'm glad Richard set up a group to continue the
> discussions about how Rev can be marketed, and suggestions to RunRev on what
> they should do.
> Anyway, that's my 2 cents,

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