Handler/Function with same name

Mark Smith mark at maseurope.net
Mon Dec 12 17:27:05 EST 2005

Well I take your point, especially if others were going to use my  
In any case, I've renamed them fTrim and hTrim, respectively, since  
they serve a similar purpose, and that's probably enough to prevent  
me from shooting myself in the foot, as well as avoiding any  
potential difficulty with the engine, later on.


On 12 Dec 2005, at 18:48, Mark Wieder wrote:

> Mark-
> Sunday, December 11, 2005, 4:50:29 PM, you wrote:
>> Do they not do the same thing?
>> I see that the handler modifies the string passed to it, while the
>> function
>> returns a similarly modified copy of the string passed to it, but
>> that was
>> the point of it.
>> Or am I missing something?
> No, that's exactly my point.
> trim myString
> put trim(myString) into someOtherString
> will modify two different strings. In the incarnation of this
> operation as a function myString is not modified, and it's not
> immediately apparent why not, since the command version does modify
> it.
> -- 
> -Mark Wieder
>  mwieder at ahsoftware.net
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