Text database using custom properties

Dom mcdomi at free.fr
Mon Dec 12 09:29:01 EST 2005

Jim Ault <JimAultWins at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Well, depending on how much this is a labor of love vs need-to-get-it-
> running-soon, you might check out NoteTaker.  Dan Shafer recommended it and
> I decided very quickly to buy it.
> www.aquaminds.com
> Very powerful, and does automatic indexing on
> Categories, Date, Documents, Email addresses, last changed, numbers,
> priority, Proper Words, Text, Web Sites.

Take also a look to VoodooPad... there is free "Lite" version, but the
interesting features belong only to the full version...

> Each entry in the outline can even display an active web page of the link it
> contains.
> But if you are like most of us...
>  building your own is what appeals to you :-)

Same thinking about VoodooPad... I reached the limit with the full
version, but not yet decided to buy it... why not writing a similar
thing in Rev???

But I am not so fluent in Rev ;->
Although I wrote years ago something equivalent in HyperCard...

The puzzling thing, is that after testing note taking apps, I always
return after a time to plain text notes (sorted by gross categories and
dates -- year, month)

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