Can I do "show through" graphic regions...

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Dec 10 15:45:03 EST 2005

On 12/10/05 1:40 PM, "Scott Rossi" <scott at> wrote:

> Recently, Roger Guay wrote:
>> I was looking at the card script of your wonderful abacus stack, and
>> wondered how the mouseUp gets passed to the card since each abacus
>> element has an empty moueUp handler in it???
> In reality, the controls have *no* scripts within them.  The empty mouseUp
> handler is automatically added there as a convenience by the IDE.  This is
> something to consider when editing controls since it's possible wind up with
> empty handlers if you apply the script instead of just closing the script
> editor.

Personally, I really dislike the fact that the IDE inserts *anything* into
my scripts. So for situations like this, I always remove the mouseUp handler
and put in an empty comment, so the script of a button is simply:


That way, I *know* I've set it; if there's a mouseup/end mouseup handler in
a button, I don't know if I've set it or the IDE has. And that way I know
for sure the mouseup handler will pass on to the next object in the

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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