An unsolicited message on my Rev address ;-<

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Mon Dec 5 22:21:46 EST 2005

Eric Chatonet wrote:

> I never had the idea to search for mail addresses on the web :-)

This is a well timed thread which might help me with a small problem I am

I recently wrote a stack that reads log files and places a portion of the
retreived info into ' the clipboard'. An answer dialog asks me what I what
to do with that info, ignore or keep. In most cases I know from the info
what I want to do, but sometimes I need to search the web to get more
details; so I load a search URL, the page opens in my default browser with
the cursor in the search field, as the data is already in the clipboard a
simple 'paste + return' gets the search going. Here is a portion of the

  set the clipboardData["text"] to item 2 of line 1 of tMyLog --line 1
  revGoURL "" --line 2
  go to card 1 of stack "Log File Reader" --line 3
  show stack "Log File Reader" --line 4
  answer question "What should I do with:" & return & line 1 of tMyLog &
return & "For User: " & tMyUser with "Ignore" or "Keep" titled "File " &
pMyCurrentFileNumber & " of " & pMyTotalNumberOfFiles & ": Organize " &
tMyUser & " Entry" --line 5

What I would like to happen is the web page, which basically takes up the
entire screen, load in the background whilst my stack, which is only
400x400, comes to the front and the answer dialog is front most. It is then
a simple case of clicking on the 'Ignore' or 'Keep' buttons or click on the
browser to make it active so I can 'paste + return'.

Unfortunately what is happening is that no matter what I seem to do, lines 3
and 4, the browser is always front most and so it is quite a pain to
reactivate Rev so I can see the answer dialog. I thought about using
Applescript to 'activate' Rev, but I'd prefer something cross platform.

Any suggestions welcome.


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