Set Windows Registry

Sivakatirswami katir at
Sat Dec 3 21:57:55 EST 2005

No one responded to my previous post on this, which is pretty  
unusual... I can't imagine no one knows how to do this...

goal: doc-app binding on windows, such that a double click on a stack  
will boot your player.

player name:

"HA Stack Player"

Windows Registry setting handlers:

on setWindowRegistry
   if platform()="Win32" then
     get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.rev\", "HA Stack Player")
     if it is true then
       answer "It worked!" with "OK"
       answer "Sorry, I was unable to set your registry." with "OK"
       exit to top
     end if
     answer "This is not a Windows machine..." with "OK"
   end if
end setWindowRegistry

I know the handler is run, because my beta tester says  they are  
getting "It worked!"

but the registry entry must be incorrect, double clicking on a  
fooStack.rev doesn't auto boot my player.



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