Help needed downloading a file to a folder

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Sat Dec 3 03:49:19 EST 2005

Hi Bill,

In the script of the "Cancel" button, you will find:

on mouseUp
   set the uCancelMessage of this stack to true
end mouseUp

And in the ShowInfo handler (card's script) the first case in the  
switch structure:

on ShowInfo pUrl,pFldName
   local tStatus,tResult
   put URLStatus(pUrl) into tStatus
   case the uCancelMessage of this stack -- means the uCancelMessage  
of this stack = true
     set the thumbPos of sb "Progress" to 0
     put "Download canceled" into fld pFldName
     disable btn "Cancel"
     unload url pUrl -- cleanup: the user canceled then you clear the  
     exit to top

When the user click on the "Cancel" button, the uCancelMessage custom  
prop is set to true.
As the ShowInfo handler is executed each 10 milliseconds, it triggers  
the new custom prop status and cancel the download, unload the url.

But you are right: the cancel process is not well explained.
I'll revise it :-)

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 3 déc. 05 à 09:38, Bill Marriott a écrit :

> Actually, I did download and go through your stack...
> ...and went through it again after your post below...
> ...but for the life of me I can't find a section documenting how to  
> cancel a
> download initiated with "load URL."
> There is a Cancel button in your sample that looks like it does the  
> job --
> at least it kills the progress bar and reports "Canceled" -- but  
> that button
> is cleverly protected from inspection. At least, simply clicking  
> the Edit
> pointer isn't sufficient to probe the mysteries of your stack ;)
> My own guess was to use "unload url" command, but I found that even  
> after
> using this, the download kept running cheerfully along in the  
> background.

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