global problems

Chipp Walters chipp at
Mon Aug 1 21:46:33 EDT 2005

Yep, I think you are missing something VERY basic.

Globals are just that, they exist forever until you explicitly delete 
them. That's how they've always worked in all Xtalks I've ever used.

You of course have a choice whether to use them or not. I, enjoy using 
them as I find they have many 'upsides' versus custom properties (I use 
them too). I especially like the fact they don't persist between 
application launches.

Of course, if like others, you smartly name your globals with a 'g' 
prefix, you will never have the 'collision' problem you describe, as 
like-named locals can also be prefixed with 'l'.



Mark Wieder wrote:

> In other words, if I'm foolish enough to declare a "global x" in a
> piece of test code, why should that continue to haunt me when I dump
> my test stack and then open a completely different stack that happens
> to have a "local x" declaration in it? Am I missing something basic?

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