To Rev or not to Rev

Dan Shafer revdan at
Sat Apr 30 14:44:07 EDT 2005

On Apr 30, 2005, at 7:31 AM, Derek Bump wrote:

> > "it is more of scripting language that a real programming language ­ 
> which
> > is awesome for the non-technical developers like me and you, but is 
> not a
> > true object oriented application language which is being taught in
> > universities."
I've made a career study of scripting languages. Guys like Prof. John 
Ousterhout, who invented the scripting language Tcl and who can be 
presumed to know a good deal about the subject, have typically 
described the difference between a scripting language and a programming 
language as being one of intent. A scripting language, by their (and 
my) understanding is a language primarily intended to glue together 
processes and applications that would otherwise not be able to interact 
with one another. A programming language may be able to do some or all 
of that as well, but is more typically intended for the creation of 
independent programs.

AppleScript is, IMNSHO, a classic example of that. You *can* write 
quasi-standalone applications in AppleScript but it's painful. But ask 
AppleScript to get data from file A, send it to Application B, lanch 
Application C and print something in a seamless process, and it fairly 

People who say things like the above are typically only slightly 
informed (and you know what they say about a little knowledge and 
danger....) and tend to confuse the issue of scripting vs. programming 
languages with that of interpreted vs. compiled languages. I used to 
get a real kick out of demonstrating Smalltalk apps and having people 
ask me, "How does that thing run so fast?" and then replying 
nonchalantly, "Oh, that's because it's interpreted." Heads nodded 

Dan Shafer, Co-Chair
RevConWest '05
June 17-18, 2005, Monterey, California

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