Our friend the proxy server

Trevor DeVore lists at mangomultimedia.com
Sat Apr 30 00:05:06 EDT 2005

On Apr 29, 2005, at 8:17 PM, MisterX wrote:
> Have you checked MSDN or shellcity.org?
> They might have what you need...

I've search around MSDN a bit looking for an API to get the info but  
haven't found anything.

> bingo, somewhat...
> <http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ 
> randz/prot
> ocol/automatic_web_proxy_detection.asp>
> <http://www.wrec.org/Drafts/draft-cooper-webi-wpad-00.txt>
> although - there's no info per say... Grrr
> <http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ 
> randz/prot
> ocol/royalty_free_protocol_license_agreement.asp>
> Has a list of many different protocols... it's a start.
> For php, i found this...
> http://www.phpbuddy.com/article.php?id=22
> Maybe google has more but i didn't read the 419000 links it found ;)

I've read up a bit on how the files work in networks that  
automatically detect proxy settings but I figure the Windows system  
knows what proxy it is using (at least IE does) so I would love to  
get the info from there.  I don't want to parse the javascript  
function that passes out proxy addresses.  Who knows, maybe that is  
the only way to do it.

> Note that most "corporate" software distributes the settings  
> required to run
> in their network (SMS, Novell NetInstall, Octopus, etc...). Nothing  
> you can
> do about it other than ask the administrator to send you also that  
> info...
> Any of these systems can deliver a file to your users' folders.
> IMOHO, you should contact their network administrator for a  
> settings file
> delivery or their proxy setting delivery so you can adapt your  
> software to
> their network. Im not sure all proxy settings can be detected...  
> Also, given
> it's a multi-subnet lan, there's little way to know which lan the  
> proxy is
> in... So, haveing the same conditions at work, we're forced to  
> enter it
> manually. Most users however use preconfigured thin-clients where the
> problem would  be the same for your application, and furthermore,  
> your app
> may not have access to the registry entries due to security  
> restrictions.

Right now our app allows someone to manually enter proxy settings.   
The problem is the app is going to be distributed across corporate  
networks, hospital networks, etc.  I will probably add a feature to  
load in a proxy settings file that will automatically configure it  
the first time it is launched.  I haven't had much experience with  
proxy servers so I'm not sure how most software handles this.  Of  
course I would just like everything to work for the user without any  
effort on their part but that may be asking too much here.


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
trevor at mangomultimedia.com

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