Our friend the proxy server

MisterX b.xavier at internet.lu
Fri Apr 29 23:17:14 EDT 2005

> Asking these (very) non-technical folks to configure every 
> time they movie creates obvious problems.  Anyone have any 
> insight on how to detect proxy settings under any circumstances?


Have you checked MSDN or shellcity.org? 
They might have what you need...

bingo, somewhat...



although - there's no info per say... Grrr


Has a list of many different protocols... it's a start. 

For php, i found this...

Maybe google has more but i didn't read the 419000 links it found ;)

Note that most "corporate" software distributes the settings required to run
in their network (SMS, Novell NetInstall, Octopus, etc...). Nothing you can
do about it other than ask the administrator to send you also that info...
Any of these systems can deliver a file to your users' folders. 

IMOHO, you should contact their network administrator for a settings file
delivery or their proxy setting delivery so you can adapt your software to
their network. Im not sure all proxy settings can be detected... Also, given
it's a multi-subnet lan, there's little way to know which lan the proxy is
in... So, haveing the same conditions at work, we're forced to enter it
manually. Most users however use preconfigured thin-clients where the
problem would  be the same for your application, and furthermore, your app
may not have access to the registry entries due to security restrictions.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at lists.runrev.com 
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at lists.runrev.com] On Behalf Of 
> Trevor DeVore
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 21:54
> To: Revolution List
> Subject: Our friend the proxy server
> I'm interested in hearing what people are doing (if anything) 
> for proxy detection on Windows.  Here is the situation I am 
> up against.
> I have an app which grabs data from the web on occasion.  
> Detecting and setting proxy settings on Windows is fine if 
> they have manually configured IE since the settings show up 
> in the registry.
> The big problem occurs when the computers are behind a proxy 
> server and the computers are getting their proxy server info 
> automatically from the server (from something like a .pac 
> file).  Windows doesn't seem to store this info in the registry.
> I have a way for users to manually configure their proxy 
> settings but in one environment users will be moving to 
> different offices with their laptops and proxy settings will 
> change based on their IP subnet.  
> Asking these (very) non-technical folks to configure every 
> time they movie creates obvious problems.  Anyone have any 
> insight on how to detect proxy settings under any circumstances?
> Thanks,
> --
> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Multimedia
> trevor at mangomultimedia.com
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