Easiest Postgres SQL Windows Install & Adm package

Pierre Sahores psahores at easynet.fr
Fri Apr 15 13:36:45 EDT 2005


No need of Cygwin Linux emulator anymore. There is yet a windows native 
issue of PG. Goes directly to the postgres home web site to get the PG 
8.0.1 windows issue and take care not to read too outdated articles ;-)

Best, Pierre

Le 15 avr. 05, à 17:55, Typing80wpm at aol.com a écrit :

> The various helpful comments and advice on this list are persuading me 
> to
> attempt to install Postgres SQL on my Windows XP (professional, not 
> home)  Dell.
> I have searched on the Net, and notice that there are some downloads 
> that
> require a compile of code using Cygwin Linux emulator.  I worked with 
> that  once
> on my old Win98 Compaq, but found it daunting.... I only accomplished 
> what  I
> wanted because a Linux expert was talking me through everything step 
> by  step.
> So let me know, please, should you come across some automatic Windows
> install for Postgres.   What would be ideal is if I downloaded,  
> unzipped, installed
> with no questions asked automatically, and also give me  some king of 
> manager program, to test it out, create tables.   If  that is too much 
> to hope
> for, then, at least, point me to the easiest possible  Windows install 
> package
> for Postgres, and then recommend for me the easiest SQL  Adm tool to 
> manage the
> Postgres SQL.
> And then I will download the trial version of Revolution, and be all 
> set to
> talk to the Postgres SQL on my desk top.
> If there is a simple Revolution demo app which would do some "Hello 
> World"
> exercise with Postgres, then that would be most helpful.
> I guess I shall be clever too, and look through the computer science
> bookshelves to see if there is something with a cd and postgres.  I 
> noticed  a book
> by Trollwear on QT3 which is a GUI IDE for C# (or some flavor of C) 
> and  the CD
> in the back of the book offers Borland C compilers, and Mysql...  etc
> Thanks all, for your help and suggestions.
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