# Can one manually resize an object proportionately?

Marty Billingsley marty at vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu
Sun Apr 10 08:38:39 EDT 2005

Malte Brill <revolution at derbrill.de> writes:
> Hi Steve,
>  >Although one can go into the Revolution property inspector and do some
>  >calculation to resize an object proportionately, e.g. to say 1/3 the
> size, when
>  >trying to do this manually I do not see a way to control the resizing
>  >proportionately.
> You can easiely write a function to do it and do your resizing with the
> messageBox.

Yes, but why should you have to do that?  All other Mac apps that I work
with will resize an object proportionately if the shift key is held
down as the corner handle is grabbed.  Why on earth doesn't RR do this?
Is there a reason, or is it an oversight?  (Is it a feature or a bug?)

Seems like every time I ask a question like this, it turns out there's
a thought-out reason that RR is implemented the way it is.  (Such as,
I asked why it's the default to have images revert to their original
sizes and positions unless locked, and it turns out that that was a
deliberate decision, not a bug the way I thought it was.)

Anyway, is there a reason that Shift-drag doesn't resize proportionately,
or is it an oversight?

  - marty

Marty Billingsley (marty at ucls.uchicago.edu)
The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

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