Ann: Greenhouse effect on Venus

David Vaughan dvk at
Wed Apr 6 21:15:13 EDT 2005

On 07/04/2005, at 2:00, Jim Hurley <jhurley at> wrote:
> It is worthwhile to examine what effect greenhouse gases have on the 
> temperature of other planets besides Earth. It turns out that Venus is 
> very hot, about 832 degrees Fahrenheit. But how much of this due to 
> greenhouse gases and how much to the fact that it is closer to the 
> Sun?
> To neutralize the proximity effect I have introduced a comparison 
> standard, a Blackbody planet. In the stack below it is possible to 
> place this imaginary planet anywhere in the (near) solar system and 
> observe its temperature, the steady state temperature when the 
> incident solar radiation absorbed by the black body is balanced by 
> thermal radiation from the black body, something that is easy to 
> compute.


So why is Mars colder than a blackbody planet in its orbit position? 
Just curious.

> Jim

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