Flash/QuickTime interaction with Revolution

jbv jbv.silences at Club-Internet.fr
Thu Sep 16 14:52:04 EDT 2004


> On Sep 16, 2004, at 2:14 PM, Van Esch, Stephen (Bolton) wrote:
> > I'm certain that there are good reasons why Director may not be the
> > best for
> > this project but I'm a Flash guy so can't really say what they are.
> Then you must know that generally Flash is what is used to give
> Director ease of handling Unicode. Since Director support the most
> current version of Flash natively, as well as OpenGL, and XML...
> Ah, I'll shut up. I never stay in the good graces of this list when I
> imply the Revolution is not always the right tool for all types of
> applications.
> --

sorry to disagree, but IMHO the way Director supports openGL
is a bad joke. As long as ppl's conception of 3D is limited to
rotating logos with ready-made textures, that's OK. But I'd
rather call that 2.5D...
It reminds me the app called ShowPlace that Pixar released in the
early 90's for ppl interested in MacRenderMan, but didn't have
the time or skill to do real Renderman shader development...
The sad part of the story is that that kind of lazy implementation
of openGL spreads a poor conception of what interactive 3D
can be... IMHO this is even more true these days, with the
release of openGL 2.0...
The difference is somehow like making your own furniture
vs buying some stuff at Ikea...


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