Flash/QuickTime interaction with Revolution

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu Sep 16 12:44:57 EDT 2004

Hi Stephen,

> Sounds great. Some more questions:
> I've got a lot of Flash (with some limited actionscript) and HTML 
> experience
> but little in the way of actual programming experience. Will an OpenGL
> project be possible for someone willing to learn but starting at a 
> very low
> base (and on a 6 month deadline for at least the prototype). I learn 
> quickly
> enough and have access to a Director expert.
> Will the OpenGL product run OK on Windows? The audience is Windows 
> users and
> we will be developing in a dual Mac/Windows environment.
> Does OpenGL play nice with Rev?
> Sorry for all the questions. To be honest, we're just evaluating Rev. 
> We are
> seriously considering iShell but I think Rev may be better for this 
> task.
> The main problem is that this project integrates XML, databases, 
> multiple
> languages, and interactive graphics. I haven't found a tool that does 
> all
> this gracefully and think Rev or iShell may be the closest I'll get.

Sorry, but here are the bad news:

OpenGL is not natively supported in REV.
There are no official OpenGL-externals in the moment.

Or did i miss something important?
Mr. Bill? ;-)

> Steve


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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