Why wait for Inheritance in Revolution? Want 1000 more features now?

Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Mon Sep 13 11:57:32 EDT 2004

Xavier, et al:

One of my continuing unfulfilled promises to myself during my 
HyperCard years was to learn the intricacies of XOS.

I still remain interested...whether I'm any more likely to find the 
time now than I was previously remains to be seen.      :{`)

Rob Cozens, Staff Conservator
Mendonoma Marine Life Conservancy

"The challenge is to come up with new ways to balance the increase in 
the number of people fishing with the need to reduce the number of 
fish caught and killed.  The stocks can't sustain the increasing 
pressure and the only way to ensure we will have fish in the future 
is to leave more in the water now."

-- Federal Ocean Commissioner Andrew Rosenberg

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