Display a simple stack.

Ryno Swart swartart at iafrica.com
Mon Sep 13 04:30:32 EDT 2004

Thanks Gordy, and Graham, for you very helpful advice. If they are not 
already there, these could go into "Helpful Tips".

For the monitor "real estate", I shall work on the premise that parents 
stick to the simple taskbar in Windows. For Mac parents, if they have a 
dock problem, I can communicate with them personally (the joys of 

Groete uit Suid Afrika,


> I know that for the current bunch of applications that we are writing
> for our company, we have set 800 X 600 as the minimum monitor
> resolution.  But you have to remember that you do not have the full 600
> pixels height available, unless you take over the entire screen (which
> is usually considered to be bad behavior for an application, with the
> possible exception of games).
> If I remember correctly, we usually allow for about 40 pixels or so for
> the height of the task bar at the bottom, and so any windows we design
> we keep to a max height of about 560 pixels.  As far as the width, we
> usually use a max width of about 700 pixels.  That way if folks have a
> dock on the left or right side of the screen (Mac OS X), we allow space
> for that as well.


> As for putting stuff in the middle of the screen, you can do
>   set the loc of this stack to the screenLoc
> This is probably best done in a preOpenStack handler.

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