Revolution feature set - some questions

xbury.cs at xbury.cs at
Fri Sep 10 10:54:49 EDT 2004

There is no kerning but lineheight works fine. 
Images are no problems in text but you can't resize them for display
that I know (unless you pre-prepare the image.)...

While XML may work some xml files I use for my satellite decoder
do not... surely a problem with my xml file but what's funny is that
the decoder seems to like this file ;) Anyway you can always add a 
little parsing here and there to improve compatibility.

Large documents are not a problem at all.

Unicode is not in my bag of tricks unfortunately. 

The rest should be easy but 
not too easy or it wouldn't be fun...



-----Original Message-----
From: use-revolution-bounces at
[mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of Van Esch,
Stephen (Bolton)
Sent: vendredi 10 septembre 2004 16:39
To: 'use-revolution at'
Subject: Revolution feature set - some questions


I'm new to Revolution and Dreamcard but intrigued by the possibilities.
However, I need some very specific functionality and I'm wondering if
Revolution is up to the task. Some history:

We are creating manuals that are distributed in over 20 languages. The
manuals are long, complex, and technical and include graphics and various
font formats. The manuals are XML-based so that they can be output in
various formats. One of these formats will be CD-based.

The feature page states that Revolution can parse XML files and create and
manipulate XML content. In my project, we will be dealing with large XML
documents with extensive formatting via XSLT. Graphics, fonts, font
line spacing, letter spacing etc. will be part of the output. Can
reliably display this kind of formatted XML document?

The feature page states that Revolution has unicode support. Does this
extend to long XML documents? Again, formatting and graphics must come
through. Is this possible?

Incidentally, I've gone through Sarah Reichelt's excellent XML tutorial
which has answered most of my questions.

Sorry if the questions are basic. I'm not an expert and would appreciate


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