Download videos? (OT: What is Labor Day)

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Tue Sep 7 02:19:11 EDT 2004

Thanks Marian and Mark,

>  Le travail est l'aliment des âmes nobles. Generosos animos labor 
> nutrit. Work is the food of noble hearts.
> Sénèque
> Letters to Lucilius, XXXI

Best, Pierre

Le 7 sept. 04, à 04:50, Marian Petrides a écrit :

> Pierre,
> Labor Day is a national holiday in the US to celebrate working 
> Americans.  It traditionally marks the end of the summer, just as 
> Memorial Day--late in May-- (remembering all those who died in the 
> service of our country) marks the start of summer.
> Quoting from the department of Labor website   
>               :
> "Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor 
> movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of 
> American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the 
> contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and 
> well-being of our country."
> There's lots more information on how Labor Day came about at the above 
> URL if you are interested.
> M

> Pierre-
> Monday, September 6, 2004, 10:30:35 AM, you wrote:
> PS> Hello Marian :-)
> PS> Can you relate what's the Labor Day we have n't at all, there in 
> France
> PS> ? Thanks for helping to expend my little Worldaround knowedge :)
> I'll fill in for Marian for a moment...
> We're a bit behind the times here in the US. While the rest of the
> world celebrates labor on the first of May, we wait until the first
> Monday until September because of the "unpleasant" connections of
> Mayday with... er... labor. Although if I remember correctly, Maggie
> Thatcher also tried to move the UK off the standard and substitute a
> holiday for the Queen Mum's birthday.

> On Sep 6, 2004, at 1:30 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
>> Can you relate what's the Labor Day we have n't at all, there in 
>> France ? Thanks for helping to expend my little Worldaround knowedge 
>> :)
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