sample stacks - detailed description of how to find them

Ralph R. Forehand ralf at
Sun Oct 31 15:20:31 EST 2004

Andre Garzia wrote:
>I just tested this procedure, first using Safari I downloaded Projects/Section/All
>this created a learning_center.rvc in my download folder, then opened revOnline, clicked on the open file button next to the address field, and opened the stack.
>Success, the stack was now opened from local machine instead from network as I could see the URL now begun with a file:// protocol (can I call file:// a protocol?!), I tested and it gave me access to sample stacks.
>Now you try that! :D

Mark Wieder wrote;
>Select "Revolution Online" from the "Development" menu. That's the
>revOnline browser. To find the samples (I just tried this 11:20 PST
>and it's up and working) select "Learning Center", then "Sample
>Projects" or "Sample Scripts" and start working your way through. If
>this doesn't work for you then something else is wrong. Er... you do
>have a valid internet connection while you're trying this, right?

Andre and Mark,

Thank Goodness!! With your help I finally found it and have review the sample stacks and scripts. I quickly found two scripts that I can use directly in converting my favorite HyoerCard stack!! I'm sure I'll learn more from these resources in future,

The way to get to them seems obtuse (to me anyway). I hope Revolution will simplify it for us "Newbies" soon.

Thanks Again for your patience with me and sticking with me.


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