Unicode and Menus

Kenji Kojima index at kenjikojima.com
Tue Oct 26 12:24:15 EDT 2004

On 2004/10/26, at 11:08, Kenji Kojima wrote:

> ron
>> Can you make a menu with just 'iro' as an item? I could get ¥Æ¥­¥¹¥ÈÉ« to 
>> work but not just É«.
>> as the head of a cascading menu. viz. with colors listed below the 
>> menu.
>> If I put
>> É«
>> <tab>³à
>> <tab>°×
>> <tab>ü\
>> (where <tab> is actually a tab char)
>> into a fld and set the text of the btn to the unicodetext  of the 
>> fld, the menu refuses to display in the menubar even though it 
>> displays okay on the card as part of the btn group forming the menu.
> Yes, i understood what you mean.
> I could not make a single character "É«" on MacOSX menubar item.

Characters "ÇV", "È›", "Þ­", "ÍC" have same trouble.
"É«" is unicode 8272, "ÇV" is unicode 8372.
Every character is unicode XX72.

Kenji Kojima

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