rtf Txt

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto revolution at jaedworks.com
Mon Oct 25 21:36:20 EDT 2004

At 9:04 AM -0400 10/25/2004, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
>And of course this creates numerous race conditions, whereby if the 
>user happens to try accessing the clipboard from another app while 
>this is going on, the results of one of the operations (either the 
>operation being performed by the handler, or the one being performed 
>by the other app) will be incorrect (or at least quite unexpected):

Frank, that script takes all of two milliseconds to run on my 
machine... and my machine isn't a speed demon. If you assume your 
users can perform a major switch plus a Copy operation in two 
milliseconds, you're going to find so-called "race conditions" 
lurking all over the place.

You're quite right that under some circumstances - with scripts that 
take user-perceivable time to run - modifying the clipboard, or 
assuming that it stays static throughout the handler, could cause a 
problem. But in neither Klaus's original nor my modification is it 
actually going to be a problem in practice.
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ revolution at jaedworks.com

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