Reshape Graphic
Alejandro Tejada
capellan2000 at
Sun Oct 24 18:36:24 EDT 2004
Hi Frank,
I have put code to reshape a polygon vector graphic
in the stack "Graphic Tools v01 beta"
This long script is from the
button "directSelectionScript"
at the bottom of the stack, and from
the stack script.
You can improve it at your own will. :-)
on mouseUp
set the cursor to 1085
if the target <> word 1 to 3 of the selobj -- this
line to avoid a flicker in the selobj
if the target contains "graphic" and the style of
the target = "polygon"
if twovertexpoints is not empty -- and the
target contains "graphic" and the style of the target
= "polygon" ## @@@
if ((item 1 of apgd1 + item 1 of mqpz ),(item
2 of apgd1 + item 2 of mqpz)) <> "0,0" -- this line
prevents that the polygon gets a new line at 0,0
# -- beep 3
put the points of the target into vfrtgb
set the graphicPointsforUndo of btn "Undo"
to vfrtgb
put ((item 1 of apgd1 + item 1 of mqpz
),(item 2 of apgd1 + item 2 of mqpz)) into line ajdg1
of vfrtgb
put ((item 1 of apgd2 + item 1 of mqpz
),(item 2 of apgd2 + item 2 of mqpz)) into line ajdg2
of vfrtgb
set the points of the target to vfrtgb
end if
end if
-- if I don't put empty into these locals the
vertexpoint "stick" to the mouse pointer
put empty into mqpz
put empty into apgd1
put empty into apgd2
put empty into ajdg1
put empty into ajdg2
put empty into vertexpoint
put empty into vfrtgb
put empty into mnbvc
put empty into twovertexpoints
put empty into pointxy
set the markerfilled of the target to false
set the markerDrawn of the target to the hilite
of btn "Show Markers"
end if
end if
pass mouseUp
end mouseUp
on mousedown
if the target <> word 1 to 3 of the selobj --
prevent flickering
if the target contains "graphic" and the style of
the target = "polygon" and setOnlyonce <> 1
put 1 into setOnlyonce
put the target into fld "editingGrafic"
set the markercolor of the target to fld
set the markerdrawn of the target to true
set the markerpoints of the target to "-2,-2 &
return & 2,-2 & return & 2,2 & return & -2,2 & return
& -2,-2" -- small square
put the points of the target into vfrtgb
put the clickloc into pointxy
-- first check, if the clickloc is a vertex
point of the polygon graphic
put nearpoints(pointxy) into oknhy -- nearpoints
is another handler
repeat for each line i in oknhy
if lineoffset(i,vfrtgb) = 0 -- vfrtgb contains
the list of points of the polygon graphic
next repeat
put lineoffset(i,vfrtgb) into mnbvc -- a
local variable with the line number of the clicked
point in the list of points, used by the mousemove
if the target contains "graphic" and the
style of the target = "polygon" then set the
markerfilled of the target to true
put line mnbvc of vfrtgb into vertexpoint --
a local variable with the clicked point, used by the
mousemove message
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if vertexpoint is empty -- you clicked in a
segment of the polygon graphic, not in a vertexpoint
then -- if the target contains "graphic" and
the style of the target = "polygon" then
set the markerfilled of the target to true
put the points of the target into vfrtgb1 --
the contents of vfrtgb1 will be used and deleted by
the following operations
if last line of vfrtgb1 = first line of
vfrtgb1 then put the number of lines of vfrtgb1 - 1
into lgadCounter else put the number of lines of
vfrtgb1 into lgadCounter
repeat lgadCounter -- the number of points of
the target - 1, this presume a closed target !!!!!
put line 1 of vfrtgb1,line 2 of
vfrtgb1,pointxy into ckp
put ((item 2 of ckp - item 6 of ckp)*(item 3
of ckp - item 1 of ckp) - (item 1 of ckp - item 5 of
ckp)*(item 4 of ckp - item 2 of ckp)) into zse
put sqrt((item 3 of ckp - item 1 of ckp)^2 +
(item 4 of ckp - item 2 of ckp)^2)^2 into esz
if esz <> 0 then put abs(zse/esz) & comma
after aqwsde
-- put abs(zse/esz) & comma after aqwsde --
sometimes produce divide by zero error
put line 1 of vfrtgb1 && " " && line 2 of
vfrtgb1 & return after aws
delete line 1 of vfrtgb1
end repeat
put min(aqwsde) into mqh
put itemoffset(mqh,aqwsde) into mbz
put line mbz of aws into twovertexpoints
end if
pass mousedown
end if -- the target contains "graphic" and the
style of the target = "polygon" and setOnlyonce <> 1
end if -- target is not the selobj
pass mousedown
end mousedown
on mousemove mX,mY
if the target <> word 1 to 3 of the selobj -- to
avoid flickering of the selectedobject
if vertexpoint is not empty and the target
contains "graphic" and the style of the target =
if (mnbvc = 1 or mnbvc = the number of lines of
vfrtgb) and line 1 of vfrtgb = last line of vfrtgb
set the graphicPointsforUndo of btn "Undo" to
put mX,mY into first line of vfrtgb
put mX,mY into last line of vfrtgb
set the points of the target to vfrtgb
set the graphicPointsforUndo of btn "Undo" to
put mX,mY into line mnbvc of vfrtgb
set the points of the target to vfrtgb
end if
else -- vertexpoint is empty and the target
contains "graphic" and the style of the target =
-- This part of the code lets you to drag two
if twovertexpoints is not empty -- and the
target contains "graphic" and the style of the target
= "polygon"
put word 1 of twovertexpoints into apgd1 -- a
coordinate point like 14,23
put word 2 of twovertexpoints into apgd2 -- a
coordinate point like 42,12
put lineoffset(apgd1,vfrtgb)into ajdg1 -- a
single number like 12
put lineoffset(apgd2,vfrtgb)into ajdg2 -- a
single number like 21
put pointxy into firstclick
put mX,mY into seconclick
case item 1 of firstclick > item 1 of
seconclick -- moving to the left
if item 2 of firstclick > item 2 of
seconclick then put (- (item 1 of firstclick - item 1
of seconclick)),(-(item 2 of firstclick - item 2 of
seconclick)) into mqpz
if item 2 of firstclick < item 2 of
seconclick then put (- (item 1 of firstclick - item 1
of seconclick)),(item 2 of seconclick - item 2 of
firstclick) into mqpz
if item 2 of firstclick = item 2 of
seconclick then put (- (item 1 of firstclick - item 1
of seconclick)),(item 2 of firstclick - item 2 of
seconclick) into mqpz
case item 1 of firstclick < item 1 of
seconclick -- moving to the right
if item 2 of firstclick > item 2 of
seconclick then put (item 1 of seconclick - item 1 of
firstclick ),(-(item 2 of firstclick - item 2 of
seconclick)) into mqpz
if item 2 of firstclick < item 2 of
seconclick then put (item 1 of seconclick - item 1 of
firstclick),(item 2 of seconclick - item 2 of
firstclick) into mqpz
if item 2 of firstclick = item 2 of
seconclick then put (- (item 1 of firstclick - item 1
of seconclick)),(item 2 of firstclick - item 2 of
seconclick) into mqpz
case item 1 of firstclick = item 1 of
seconclick -- moving in rect line
if item 2 of firstclick > item 2 of
seconclick then put (- (item 1 of firstclick - item 1
of seconclick)),-(item 2 of firstclick - item 2 of
seconclick) into mqpz
if item 2 of firstclick < item 2 of
seconclick then put (- (item 1 of firstclick - item 1
of seconclick)),(item 2 of firstclick - item 2 of
seconclick) into mqpz
if item 2 of firstclick = item 2 of
seconclick then put (- (item 1 of firstclick - item 1
of seconclick)),(item 2 of firstclick - item 2 of
seconclick) into mqpz
end switch
# -- mqpz contains a coordinate point -- ej:
-45,-21 or 84,-56 or 22,47 or -61,31
end if
end if
end if
pass mousemove
end mousemove
Function Nearpoints pointxy -- is a coordinate point
like 34,56
put item 1 of pointxy - 2 & comma & item 2 of
pointxy - 2 & return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 2,item 2 of pointxy - 1 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 2,item 2 of pointxy & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 2,item 2 of pointxy + 1 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 2,item 2 of pointxy + 2 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 1,item 2 of pointxy - 2 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 1,item 2 of pointxy - 1 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 1,item 2 of pointxy & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 1,item 2 of pointxy + 1 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy - 1,item 2 of pointxy + 2 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy,item 2 of pointxy - 2 & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy,item 2 of pointxy - 1 & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy,item 2 of pointxy & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy,item 2 of pointxy + 1 & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy,item 2 of pointxy + 2 & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 1,item 2 of pointxy - 2 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 1,item 2 of pointxy - 1 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 1,item 2 of pointxy & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 1,item 2 of pointxy + 1 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 1,item 2 of pointxy + 2 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 2,item 2 of pointxy - 2 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 2,item 2 of pointxy - 1 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 2,item 2 of pointxy & return
after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 2,item 2 of pointxy + 1 &
return after oknhy
put item 1 of pointxy + 2,item 2 of pointxy + 2
after oknhy
return oknhy
end Nearpoints
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