RTF File export

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Tue Oct 19 09:55:27 EDT 2004

Bon jour François,

> Hello Klaus!
> I use TextEdit, of course, I'm not on MacOS9, ttt... ttt....tttt...

Oh, sorry :-)

> But the problem is with TE! Because when I open the text in Word or in 
> Nisus, all is correct

Yes, i noticed this, too...

After exporting to RTF, in TextEdit the umlauts are gone, but in fact 
when i re-import that file again???

> (not in fact, in Nisus, the "é" is not preconized....)

I always use HTML if i want to preserve all formatting and found that 
RTF support of
RR is not very satisfying...

> Bouhouhou I can't stop crying...

I am crying with you, mon ami ;-(

Eat some chocolate, chocolate makes you happy again :-)
Just like noodles!

> Danke vielmal fuer ihre Antwort,

A votre service, monsieur!

> Mein Freund

Au revoir...

Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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