ANN: FTPCommander update 0.3

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon Oct 4 23:59:12 EDT 2004

Hi Folks,

just added a button to set permissions on remote FTP files, it's the 
'Perms' button, you use it like the CHMOD command in unix by setting it 
to a number like 755 (Ie: CGI) or 777 (Ie: CGI-Folders), if you don't 
know what file permissions are, then you should not be messing with 
them on your FTP... =)

but if you want to know, google on 'understanding unix file 
permissions' lot's of good texts available.

the FTPCommander stack is under

how do I update the stack on my user space on revOnline?!


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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