audio input level
Dan Soneson
sonesond1 at
Fri Nov 26 22:33:03 EST 2004
> On 11/26/04 9:36 AM, "Frank D. Engel, Jr." < fde101 at >
> wrote:
> > Strange, it worked perfectly for me. >>I just typed that line into
> the message box in Rev and it worked fine. >>Did you copy it exactly
> (the entire line, starting with "do" and >ending with "AppleScript" --
> that is apparently how you convince Rev to >execute something as an
> AppleScript command...)? >>For the Script Editor, you would only take
> the part in quotes, then; >just "set volume input volume 100" w/o the
> quotes. >>It worked both ways for me. Any takers on this one?
and elsewhere:
The "set volume" command is part of the "Standard Additions" scripting
> additions library installed with every OS X system (and older versions
> as well, I think). You can open the dictionary within the Script
> Editor. There is lots of info in there, many commands to play with.
> For example, instead of "input" volume, you can also specify "output"
> or "alert" volume, each of these also runs from 0 to 100. There is
> also an "output muted" option to mute the speakers:
> set volume with output muted
> set volume without output muted
> "set volume" is listed under "Miscellaneous Commands" -> "Commands" in
> the dictionary.
Then Ken Ray wrote
> I tried it too in both places and got errors (from Script Editor: "An
> identifier can't go after this identifier" with "input volume"
> selected; in
> Rev: "compiler error"). For Script Editor, do you need to "tell" some
> application? Or does there need to be some particular hardware or OSAX
> present? I'm running on OS X 10.3.4...
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
These are exactly the errors I get when I try it. I am still on OS X
10.2.8. I like Frank's description of how this works. Oddly enough,
when I checked for the "Standard additions" of the Scripting Additions
in the Library (System 10.2.8), I couldn't find it. Perhaps I
mis-installed Applescript a while back, and I cannot locate a set of
these standard scripting additions. The only file on my machine is in
the OS9 System Folder. Ken, do you have a copy of the "Standard
Additions" scripting library in the OSX Library folder? That may be the
reason we are getting the same error messages.
I did check out the dictionary entry for the Classic version of the
Standard Additions, and it only includes the option for setting the
volume (apparently no options for "input volume" or the other options
that Frank mentions), and the options are only from 1 to 7. Apparently,
something has changed in these scripting additions as well. I do have a
machine with 10.3 on it at work, and I'll check that out when I get
back on Monday.
Thanks, folks, for checking this out.
Any ideas on how to set the input volume on a Windows machine?
Daniel B. Soneson
Director, Language Lab
Southern CT State University
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