Apple scriptable standalones

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Sun Nov 21 18:39:01 EST 2004

I haven't tried this but I think that when you send an AppleScript 
command to your application, it creates an AppleEvent message with 
class = "misc" and ID = "dosc". If you have an AppleEvent handler in 
your heirarchy, it can check for "dosc" events, use "request 
appleEvent" to find out what data is being sent, and then "do" the 
script. As Klaus suggested, the command sent should be the name of a 
handler in your message hierarchy, preferably in the mainStack's stack 

However this doesn't help with an AppleScript dictionary. Looking in 
the application bundle for Apple's Mail, I see several files that look 
promising. They have extensions of "scriptSuite" and 
"scriptTerminology" and are pList files i.e. XML. You would have to 
examine the structure to work out how to construct your own dictionary 
for your app.


On 20 Nov 2004, at 6:04 pm, william griffin wrote:

> Out of curiosity I decided to build a standalone and see
> what effects Applescript could have on it.
> Script edit gave me an error as soon as I compiled this:
> tell application "iGame3d"
> do script "quit"
> end tell
> So I went looking for the dictionary and there was none.
> How does one provide a dictionary for a rev standalone?
> I went digging through it in the revolution application folder
> and package but no clue can be found.
> Mr Bill

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