RegEx Help--Across Lines

Troy Rollins troy at
Sun Nov 21 10:07:53 EST 2004

On Nov 21, 2004, at 6:07 AM, thierry wrote:

> Where is all the information we need to use fully RegExp in Rev ?

All the information? All over the place. But Ken sited a great resource 
- <>

RegEx is implemented in many languages, and most of them don't try to 
reinvent the documentation for it - only how their own implementation 
differs from the norm. Now that... I'm not sure exists in one place, 

> any tutorial, any Faq ?

It is a pretty huge topic. Look at matchText in the Rev docs, and check 
out the link above... combine the two mentally, and you pretty much 
have it, I guess. Just seems to be how documenting RegEx goes...
RPSystems, Ltd.

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