open url theurl

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri Nov 12 11:40:30 EST 2004

Hi Frank,

> If on OS X, you could probably rig something using the shell() command.
> Of course, on OS X, there would be no reason to avoid using 
> AppleScript...

Well, ehm... yes :-)

>> Hi Jan,
>>> --- Eric Engle <engleerica at> wrote:
>>>> In hypercard "open url theurl" will open a
>>>> webbrowser and go to theurl.
>>>> How can i do this in metacard or revolution without
>>>> using applescript?
>>>> i don't want to load the url into a field - i want
>>>> to open a browser and go to theurl.
>>>> thanks!
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> Check out the 'revGoURL' command.
>> "revGoURL" uses Applescript, which Eric wanted to avoid...
>>> Jan Schenkel.


Klaus Major
klaus at

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