Keychain Experience?

Ken Ray kray at
Wed Nov 10 22:20:29 EST 2004

On 11/10/04 3:53 PM, "Frank Engel" <fde101 at> wrote:

> Okay, now I am experimenting with accessing the Mac OS X Keychain from
> an External in Rev.  It seems to be working fine, except for one slight
> problem:
> My standalone and the stack running under Rev are recognized by the
> Keychain Services as being the same app!
> If I understand this correctly, this means that *ANY* Rev stack (at
> least, any Rev stack built with that version of Rev) will be able to
> access the same keychain data that my stack would on the same machine.
> Needless to say this is quite insecure.  I suspect it might have
> something to do with the fact that the Rev engine is used in both cases
> as the basic "application" part of the program.
> Does anyone have any experience with this, or know how to work around
> this problem?  It might take an enhancement request to get this fixed,
> not sure...

I think it may have to do with the fact that the underlying engine name is
"Revolution" in both cases. However you can rename that; you just need to be
careful. See my tip at:

And look at the "Carbon Application (Mach-O)" part of it. You can change the
name of the engine (just like you'd change the name of any file), but you
need to make sure the Info.plist is updated as well.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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