Unique serial numbers
Frank Engel
fde101 at fjrhome.net
Wed Nov 10 11:24:58 EST 2004
Depending on your DBMS, this functionality might be built-in to the
database server. For example. PostgreSQL offers sequences, as well as
a virtual data type "SERIAL" which abstracts the sequences to provide
exactly what you are asking for. Other database systems should have
similar facilities, although they are not really standardized.
A quick PostgreSQL example:
CREATE TABLE sometable
mySerial SERIAL
PostgreSQL will automatically assign a unique value to the mySerial
field for each new record.
On Nov 10, 2004, at 10:54, MisterX wrote:
> Greg,
> You can easily test of a duplicate with an index...
> You can also keep track of the last used record and increment it.
> If you want a permanent record, something like the saving of a small
> file
> should do.
> Last but not least, combining the id with another thing like the file
> name
> or a unique database identifier can help enhance uniqueness further...
> Is it possible that two clients create to records at the same time?
> Sooner
> or later, this could happen.
> Cheers
> Xavier
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: use-revolution-bounces at lists.runrev.com
>> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at lists.runrev.com] On Behalf Of
>> Gregory Lypny
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 16:34
>> To: Revolution
>> Subject: Unique serial numbers
>> Hello everyone,
>> I want to assign a unique serial number of each record
>> created using a Rev CGI, and I'm wondering whether the long
>> seconds at the time of record creation would fit the bill.
>> Greg
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Frank D. Engel, Jr. <fde101 at fjrhome.net>
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