Revolution Masters Summit, Monterey, July 2004
cteno4 at
Mon May 31 13:25:24 EDT 2004
You all will have to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium to see my DeepLink
exhibit in the auditorium, its build with Metacard. The exhibit presents
live video from a deep sea ROV (remotely operated vehicle) in monterey
bay to the audience and the metacard driven poduim allows the presenter
to control what live video is displayed, pre-recorded video clips
(animals, habitats, equipment, etc), bring up maps, ship location, cheat
sheet notes to answer questions, etc. It was initially designed in the
very first beta of colorized hypercard back in 1990, then programmed in
toolbook, then upgraded to metacard about 6 years back. Really shows the
serial communication MC can do. its talking to about 6 different serial
devices at various points. Also runs like a champ. the only crisis calls
i have gotten have been due to someone accidntally unplugging something
(the first question is is it plugged in...) or a peice of equipment
blowing out.
Would love to join you all, my parents live in Monterey, but i will be in
Southeast Alaska installing another Metacard/Rev exhibit on the Marine
Mammales of SE Alaska that week.
use-revolution-request at wrote on 5/31/04 12:00 PM
>> Hi everyone,
>> How'd you like to hang out in beautiful Monterey, California, at an
>> ocean-front bed-and-breakfast hotel for a couple of days of intense
>> but fun digging into Revolution with a couple dozen other talented and
>> experienced developers?
Jeffrey H. Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20817
email: cteno4 at
cteno4 at
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