scriptable painting?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu May 13 15:00:47 EDT 2004

On 5/13/04 1:08 AM, Eric Engle wrote:

> In hypercard one can 
> choose brush tool -- or something similar
> click at 100,100 
> drag to 200,200
> and so one can script painting
> In metacard this was no longer possible, as far as I know.
> Is scriptable painting possible in revolution?

It's all supported. Did it not work for you?

> Also another feature I liked about hypercard was the use of the "play" command
> to play music. i cannot read music but it was still nice. Are there any plans
> to incorporate "play flute c#" or some such into revolution?

This still isn't possible natively, though there is Shakobox (but you 
already knew that, I think.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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