Stupid Programming Question

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri May 7 15:27:34 EDT 2004

On 5/7/04 1:00 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

> Rob,
>>I presume you have the image name building issue solved now;
> --Nope.  Fortunately, I saved my amateurish solution of one line of script
> for each image spelled out by hand...  But I haven't had a chance yet to
> test the most recent suggestion to change "controls" to "images" (perhaps
> the problem is that it is looking for a control named c17.jpg?)

That's it exactly. Basically, a "control" is anything on the tool 
palette -- a button, a field, a player, a graphic, a scrollbar, an 
image, etc. If you repeat for the number of controls, you'll get 
numbering from one to however many things are on the card.

If you repeat for only the number of images, the repeat will limit 
itself to that type of control only. If your card has 16 images, then 
you'll get numbering from 1 to 16 and the repeat loop will exit.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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