Rev app as wrapper to talking oddcast heads

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri May 7 12:46:10 EDT 2004

Hi Rob,

> Now that's an interesting title for an email, eh?
> Well, my boss has asked me if it's technically possible to create a
> crossplatform Revolution "wrapper" around the talking-heads that are 
> generated  from
> the _www.oddcast.com_ (  servers.
> Those talking heads are actually Flash files, and I know that Flash 
> files
> can be displayed in Revolution via Quicktime.  However, Quicktime 
> sometimes  has
> a problem with Flash files that contain interactivity.
> In our case, we want to "publish" a talking head speaking a sentence 
> or two
> to a web-server, but have the Revolution app on the client-side pull 
> from that
>  URL to play the talking-head in a custom window.
> Anyone know if this would be possible?

should be, since you can set the filename of a player to a url like 
and QT takes care of the download...

With the wonderful QT external supplied by Trevor DeVore (thanks a 
thousand times, Trevor!!! :-)
you can even monitor the progress of the download, if necessary, which 
is not possible otherwise...

But the problem with Flash not being 100% compatible with QT (or vice 
versa) still remains...

Hope that helps...


Klaus Major
klaus at

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