On arrays as arrays elements (or why I like boxes...)

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Wed Mar 31 22:02:39 EST 2004


I just thought a some good reason why I like boxes and why I keep using 
them in my every day job. It's a silly reason, but it's the best way to 
access some types of data like macintosh .plist files, we can build a 
XML to Box translation utility and access it easily, this is also good 
for *nix users for this system uses structured text files for almost 
every kind of configuration. for example, when reading 
com.apple.mail.plist, I can create boxes for every kind of entry and 
group them respecting the structure, for me thats a very good reason to 
keep my box.rev on my DVD backup... This way, I have a bAccounts box, 
this box is a sequence of box, every box is an account, every account 
is also a box with all the info of the account as the sequence... it's 
pretty straight forward and better than all, I can just save them in 
the custom props if I need, or better use my revHTTPd project to post 
them across the internet, this gives me an easy way to send complex Rev 
data structures across the net.

Also, I am now using box as my main backbone for my RevLISP 
implementation, that's the easiest way for the cons cell. So, thanks 
for the box prime, one of the most used stacks here at my home! :D


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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