revSpeak and embedded speech commands - cross-platform

Phil Davis davis.phil at
Tue Mar 30 15:30:26 EST 2004

ON THE MAC ----------------

You can embed speech commands in the text you pass to 'revSpeak', and the
commands will be correctly interpreted and obeyed, and not spoken as part of
your text. For example, you can insert a pause in a text string like this:

    revSpeak("To be [[slnc 1000]] or not to be...")

This will insert a 1000 milliseconds of silence after "To be".

(Embedded speech commands are fully defined in chapter 4 of "Inside
Macintosh: Sound", (c)1994 Apple Computer.)

ON WIN32 ------------------

Does anyone know how to do the above on Windows? I don't have equivalent
docs for Win32 but need to insert pauses (and maybe other commands) into
'revSpeak' text on Windows. I'm using Rev 2.1.2 on XP with SAPI 4 as
recommended in Bugzilla bug #317.

Phil Davis

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