(long) Transparent IDE elements and other problems

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Sun Mar 28 23:46:39 EST 2004

Frank (and others)

Many years ago, I developed a program called JIVES for the NBA. It 
controlled special effects and displays for Jumbrotrons (big TV's above 
the arenas). I used SuperCard to develop it. As you can imagine, they 
had to load virtually thousands of images over a season...with each 
image represented by a thumbnail. Same problem you have. It's not a 
problem I come across often, but when I do, it is serious.

Of course SC couldn't keep up. So, I had a cutom XCMD written for about 
$500 which allowed me to blit the image directly to the screen. Easy. 
Everything worked fine.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that all programming goes through 
some optimization. Heck, even C++ programs have parts written in 
Assembly language in order to optimize their speed-- it's just part of 
the process.


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