Case Study...

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Thu Mar 25 18:40:36 EST 2004

On Mar 25, 2004, at 7:29 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> I've posted a simple case study of our Hemingway app at:
> -Chipp


is seeing this kind of content that makes me happy. I love to see 
Revolution Case studies, and I always been very interested in the 
innards of Hemingway. I programmed many CMSs in the past, I begun using 
LAMP based systems then moved to JSP based systems, when I founded my 
first company (the one that went downhill due to mismanagement of money 
resources, but is still quoted as the best R&D grad-student-run company 
in Rio) I based all my developments in REBOL. It was cool, it was 
script like, it run multiplataform and we loved it. We even created CMS 
systems for UOL (biggest ISP and content provider of Brazil) and Globo 
(biggest TV Channel of Brazil, and probably of Latin America). That 
company went bankrupt, but our tech lives on.

I started a new company, and looked for choosing what language should I 
work, my first choice was REBOL again, but it was strange on the Mac, 
and the multimidia abilities of REBOL were something I didn't like, the 
language is based on text files, not a RAD tool. Then I learned about 
Revolution and decided to give it a try. Well, weeks later I was in 
programmers-nirvana. When I thought I learned much I decided to get 
back and do what I know best, thats CMS tools.

My First Step was to choose about what paradigm to use. I am a fan of 
Userland ( and thought to replicate some 
principles behind Radio/Frontier. That is, an app that is a WebServer, 
Database and Development framework. Revolution made it all easy for me. 
First I created the revHTTPd project to make a simple server. I was a 
huge success, the server works and in a single day after announcing it 
here, it received 1621 hits and it did not explode.

The Second Step, was to design a API to hook applications in it. This 
is like a log of me learning Revolution. First it was all custom 
property based, then, it moved to custom handlers and simple message 
passing, then, it all moved to back and frontscripts and heavy message 
passing mechanism. It works like a charm, I am now able to prototype 
webapps inside revolution with ease, my stacks are even able to convert 
simple cards to HTML forms... (can only convert fields, no buttons yet)

The Third Step, was to make it user friendly. Now we've got a simple 
IDE, pannel based, one pannel for logs and starting/stopping the 
server, other for configuration, and the last for modules. What I call 
module is aking to Hemingway Plug-ins. They can be loaded and unloaded 
and give the server more functions, they are really webapps made with 
Rev. You can create a stack and place it on the modules folder, it will 
load next time server starts... It can be used today. =)

Now I am working in packing everything in a more professional way, as 
soon as I work out the database part, I'll have a pretty decent 
self-contained WebDevelopment solution that I can use for my clients, 
everything is being released for free here at the list, and it's 
programs like Hemingway that serve as inspiration. The apps of Altuit 
and of Fourth World are like beacons, we can always look to them and 
see that were not crazy to use RunRev where LAMP and C would normaly be 
used. You apps shows us where to go, it's like a marathon, when you're 
starting in the sport, you look to the sazoned players and think "I'll 
be there too."

It's been the hell of a trip so far. I hope to surprise everyone on the 
list soon with my revHTTPd/ServerWorkz plataform!


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Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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