save this stack - a bug with images?

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Fri Mar 19 03:23:01 EST 2004

Hi Graham,

> Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 17:42:02 +0100
> From: Graham Samuel <livfoss at>
> Subject: Re: save this stack - a bug with images?
>> set the lockLoc of img 1 to true
> I don't think that will make the image forget its original size forever,
> but only while the lockLoc is true.
Nope. If you create an empty image, lock it, then set it to an image file,
the image that comes in will be scaled to fit the locked image. If you
unlock it, it will remain the same size.
> I was looking for a new starting point
> from which I could then issue a shape change and lockLoc **that**.
So unlock and make your change, OR, leave it locked and do it via script.
You see, the image is only locked from the standpoint of onscreen dragging,
i.e., a script or the Inspector can still change its size and location.
> Also, I am struggling to demonstrate the anomalous group behaviour I was
> trying to describe, but I haven't quite got the recipe yet. It's something
> to do with grouping images and graphics together, and then setting the
> lockLoc of the images (you can't set the lockLoc of a graphic AFAIK).
Sure you can. I'm looking right at one now.
> Then when you edit the group, the lockLoc seems to be ignored.
Edit how? If via script, the yes, it will be ignored. See above.

Also, locking the images has no affect on the group. You must lock the

Ken N.

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