OT 3D text wrapping

Ken Norris pixelbird at interisland.net
Wed Mar 17 16:30:56 EST 2004

OOPS! Sorry, accidenatally fired one off from a digest without changing the
subject line.

Hi Tom,

> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:03:39 -0500
> From: Thomas McGrath III <3mcgrath at adelphia.net>
> Subject: Re: OT 3D text wrapping
> You mean besides Photoshop? Painter? Illustrator? Freehand?
Is there a plugin? I can't find anything in the manuals that show how to do
what I want:  Map text onto a surface (a 3D surface, not a 2D picture),
adjust it until it appears straight on the curved surface, than unwrap it
for printing. This is physical. Real wine glasses, not pictures.

We have to use the printed positive to expose photoresist stencils for
etching via carbide blasting on wine glasses. IOW, it must read straight on
the product although the surface is curved.

I'm not sure anyone is quite understanding this. There are sign programs
that can do it after a fashion, but they're hard to find apart from the
copyrighted software that comes with vinyl sign-making systems.

If there is a way to do it with PS, it doesn't appear in the manuals I have.
Sure, it shows how to make lettering appear to bend around a _photo_ or
other _rendering_ of a curved surface, but that's 2D, not a real 3D surface.

Ken N.

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