Upgrade version and pricing [was] Re: Fix it before moving ahead

j j at clsdesignassociates.com
Sun Mar 14 23:05:13 EST 2004

We may be straying to far from the topic at hand here (RR)...

> Most software licenses these days do not have 'bug-free' clauses. 
> Typically, you purchase the software 'as is.'

But developers must be very careful about this, or be left to the 
mercies of the judiciary.  Suppose I sell a product using the claim, 
"Fully integrated with Quicktime!"  After purchase, customers discover 
bugs that make Quicktime integration impossible.  If I plan on saying, 
"Oh, sorry—that software is sold 'as is,'" then I'd better buckle 
myself in for a long battle.  Lawsuits might be justified, in my 
opinion.  You can't just lie or refuse to keep promises you made.


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