Upgrade version and pricing [was] Re: Fix it before moving ahead

A.C.T. albrecht at act-net.com
Sun Mar 14 14:19:19 EST 2004

Moin, Jacqueline,

> One question to consider, though, is how many free updates the company 
> can provide and still expect to stay afloat financially. Demanding 
> unlimited free updates may not work to our advantage in the long run.

If you have followed the discussion you may have noticed that "updates" 
are considered "bug fixes" by most participiants within this discussion, 
while "upgrades" are considered "feature enhancements" (meaning NEW 
Bugfixes have to be free and they have to be provided. It is not the 
fault of the customer that the producer of a product has introduced 
bugs, and he (the customer) should not be held liable for them (the 
bugs). He has to take care of the bugs HE introduces into HIS product, 
but should not be transformed into a "milk cow" for removal of bugs 
inside the software he paid money for. If the company in question 
"needs" to output so many updates that it (the company) can not continue 
to SELL UPGRADES, it (the company) has done something dramatically wrong 
when releasing the buggy version in the first place. Quality Assurance 
should be the chapter to study then.

Sorry to repeat this once again, I did not intend to stress this so 
much. I really thought these basics are common understanding :-)

Marc Albrecht
A.C.T. / Level-2
Glinder Str. 2
27432 Ebersdorf
Tel. (+49) (0)4765-830060
Fax. (+49) (0)4765-830064

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