Fix it before moving ahead

sims sims at
Sat Mar 13 03:59:15 EST 2004

>With all due respect, Runtime has thousands of customers.  We have a small
>and efficient team.  There is a limit to how many emails I can read and
>reply to in a day and still do other vital tasks.

Exactly why I proposed a Rev Minister of Communication.

When  companies grow-up it is a good idea to implement a structure
so that one person at the top does not have to nor try to answer all
questions. Delagation of duties, not to mention authority, is part of a
managers job.

If Rev has grown to "thousands of customers" then perhaps it
is time to examine how the business can benefit from fine-tuning
and thereby enable it to grow even larger and more secure.

Why not aim to be better than those "companies our size" ?

>  I read everything that is
>sent to me and reply to everything that needs a reply.

It is your business and your right to choose who to ignore, of course.



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