How to open a window in the Finder please?
Klaus Major
klaus at
Tue Mar 9 04:58:08 EST 2004
Bon jour François,
> Hello!
> Is it possible to open a window in the finder from a button on the
> card?
> In fact, I want to put on my card a button whos says "show Folder
> Résultats
> in Finder" (of course, the label's button will be shorter!:-)
> Thank you very much every body!
This littel handler will open a folder just like doubleclicked in the
You just have to supply the path to the folder you want to be opended.
on apfelschreib pfad
replace "/" with ":" in pfad
put "tell application " & quote & "Finder" & quote & cr & "activate"
& cr & "open " & quote & (pfad) & quote & cr & "end tell" into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript
end apfelschreib
Applescript is needed, of course...
This one will show and select a file in a finderwindow,
in case you need this one, too ;-)
Here the complete path to the file has to be supplied
on apfelschreib pfad
set the itemdel to "/"
put item -1 of pfad into datei
delete item -1 of pfad
replace "/" with ":" in pfad
put "tell application " & quote & "Finder" & quote & cr & "activate"
& cr & "reveal " & quote & (pfad) & quote & cr & "end tell" into
do tScript as AppleScript
end apfelschreib
Hope that helps...
> Amicalement
> François
Klaus Major
klaus at
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