Rotating Graphics

Jim Hurley jhurley at
Fri Mar 5 12:20:07 EST 2004

>Message: 3
>Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 11:28:48 -0500
>From: "Springer, Paul" <paul.springer at>
>Subject: RE: Rotating Graphics
>To: 'How to use Revolution' <use-revolution at>
>	<ADF6087CA978A4418AF7F76DDCF2F72104C07E28 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain
>Thanks for the help. As a beginner with RR, I need a little clarification.
>1. When you say "Rotate that." Do you mean with a built in command or with a
>custom command that is re-calculating where the points should be?
>2. Aren't there points already defined for the polygons vertices? Do I need
>to somehow use my custom properties instead of those?

Hi Paul,

This is tricky stuff in the beginning.

What follows is a variation on something developed by the list. It 
avoids the rounding errors you have encountered, following Dar 
Scott's suggestion, by using a set of custom properties.

There are two components, setAngle and rotatePoly. The latter just 
sets the angle to the existing angle plus the degree of rotation.

You can script the construction of the custom properties, for example

    set the defaultPoints of grc "myPoly" to the points of grc "myPoly"
    set the pivotPoint of grc "myPoly" to line 1 of the points of 
graphic "myPoly"
    set the theAngle of grc "myPoly" to 0

On mouseUP
   --Rotate a polygon 8 times by an angle of 45 about a pivot point
    repeat 8
      rotatePoly "myPoly", 45
      wait 20 ticks --Slow it down so you can see it.
    end repeat
end mouseUP

On setAngle tGraphic, tAngle
   --Uses three custom properties of the polygon
   --1) A default angle called "theAngle" used to define the initial orientation
   --2) A set of default points used to define the initial shape: 
   --3) A pivot point "pivotPoint"

   set the theAngle of grc tGraphic to tAngle
   put the defaultPoints of graphic tGraphic into tPoints
   put the pivotPoint of grc tGraphic into tPivot
   put item 1 of tPivot into xPivot
   put item 2 of tPivot into yPivot

   put empty into newPointList

   put sin(tAngle* pi/180) into S
   put cos(tAngle * pi/180) into C

   --Set points relative to pivot
   repeat for each line tLine in tPoints
     put (item 1 of tLine)- xPivot into theX
     put (item 2 of tLine)- yPivot into theY
     put round(C*theX+ S*theY + xPivot)& comma after rotPtlist
     put round(-S*theX + C*theY+  yPivot)after rotPtlist
     put return after rotPtList
   end repeat
   set the points of graphic tGraphic to rotPtlist
end setAngle

on rotatePoly tGraphic, tChange
   put the theAngle of grc tGraphic into tAngle
   setAngle tGraphic, tAngle+tChange
end rotatePoly

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