Rotating Graphics

Springer, Paul paul.springer at
Fri Mar 5 08:23:57 EST 2004

I am trying to rotate a graphic (or image), but not around its center - I
need to rotate it around and endpoint, like the "end" vertex of an isosceles
triangle. Imagine the overhead view of a wind sock or smoke plume changing
with the wind direction. 


Rotate does not help me because it rotates around the center of the object,
not an end point or vertex. I have tried drawing a triangle (irregular
polygon) and using revRotatePoly and it almost works, but there are two
problems. First, once you rotate beyond a certain point, the vertex I am
rotating around begins to shift away from the corner of the graphic's
rectangular box and I don't know how to make the vertex stay on a fixed
point. Second, after a number of rotations, the graphic starts to shrink and
it will eventually disappear altogether.


Does anyone have any tips?




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