Problem with Windows but not with Mac (I know, it's usual!!)

A.C.T. albrecht at
Fri Mar 5 05:41:02 EST 2004


just to make sure:

> I think Klaus is right -- don't use accented chars for control names!
> It may be OK within a single platform -- but causes problems if
> "translated" to other platforms... (as é > È ;-)))

It is NOT a problem of windows but of using various platforms running 
different code pages. In fact: The MAC is the one that uses an abstruse 
variation of ISO code (called "Mac-Roman"), not the "PC" ;-)

I think this should be considered an issue for documentation and 
eventually the compiler part: Dealing with platforms that use different 
codepages not only creates problems in content (where Revolution seems 
to take care of it) but also in commenting the code and, naturally, in 
variable names. I wouldn't use a variable named "Fläche" on Windows 
either, because porting that code to AIX might bring trouble with it.

Marc Albrecht
A.C.T. / level-2
Glinder Str. 2
27432 Ebersdorf
Tel. 04765-830060
Fax. 04765-830064

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